Product Details
+This Wild Bird Society of Japan tenugui cloth, depicts a diving Little Tern.
Made as a collaboration with Yonagadou, a Osaka based curator of classic Japan design styles from the early and mid-twentieth century, it stylishly presents one of the bird species that the WBSJ is active in conserving.
Little Tern were once common on river banks and seashores, but with habitat loss and their precarious ground built nests, are now seen less regularly.
Made using traditional dye styles, tenugui are functional items in Japan, to be used as interior decoration, ecological wrapping, or as all purpose cloths during daily life.
This one has the added benefit - as with all WBSJ products - of proceeds being contributed to bird conservation in Japan.
It is 90cm by 33 cm, and 100% cotton. It was completed by hand in Japan in the chusen dye style.